Have you has several intimate partners lately, and you’re not sure which one is the real father of the baby you are expecting? This happens more often than you think. Some women have more than one sexual partner or have extramarital relationships. Therefore, it is possible that they get pregnant without knowing exactly which man is the father. Thousands of paternity tests are performed throughout Europe every year. And the trend of the paternity test while pregnant is growing. More and more couples are resorting to paternity confirmation tests. Some fathers who have doubts about their parenthood feel more reassured once the prenatal test has been performed. It is possible to do a parenthood test at home using a home dna test kit. With this type of test, a child born out of wedlock can be recognized by his biological father, carry his name and benefit from his inheritance. Is the paternity test legal? Who can request this test? How does it work?
Where can I go to get a legal paternity test?
The District Court, including the judge, can decide whether a paternity test should be done. However, you can also test directly by contacting an online laboratory. If the result is positive, it is considered proof of paternity, even if the father decides not to acknowledge the child. Also, the prenatal paternity test can prevent certain diseases. If the father has a history of genetic disease, taking the test will show whether he is likely to transmit the disease to his offspring. This is a way to ensure the health of the child and to make arrangements. Also, thanks to the paternity test, medically assisted pregnancies are better controlled and take place under better conditions. Paternity tests are intended for men who want to know if they are fathers, and for women who want to reassure their partners or who doubt the paternity of a partner.
How does the paternity test work?
It all depends on the online laboratories that offer prenatal tests. Some tests are done at home and sent to your home. You take the samples according to the instructions. Alternatively, you can go to a DNA testing center where the samples will be taken. The results will be available after a few days and are 99.99% reliable.