Effective Infertility treatment with ADONIS

Infertility problems include complex treatment processes that must be carried out by real professionals of the field. ADONIS IVF Fertility clinic provides highly qualified services which help people to overcome reproductive health difficulties and start a new life.
Examination process as the best first step toward success
ADONIS Medical Group of Companies provide the full cycle treatment process including the detailed examination process on the basis of ADONIS own technological laboratory.
Personal consultation with our skilled doctor will help to clear out all treatment nuances and to outline the individually adapted diagnosis set and treatment plan.
At the first appointment, the doctor will talk with the couple, take case history, examine the woman and assess her ovarian reserve using an ultrasound scan. Then the examinations will be appointed.
The main examinations for women include:
- Pelvic organs ultrasound
- Fallopian tubes assessment of potency
- Folliculometry
- Thyroid gland ultrasound (according to indications)
- Mammary glands ultrasound (according to indications)
- Laboratory tests
The main examinations for men include:
- Spermogram
- Urologist-andrologist appointment
The results of comprehensive diagnostics determine the indications for a particular method of infertility treatment. If there are indications for IVF, then the stage of preparation for the protocol begins.
Preparation for the IVF treatment
Several stages before ADONIS IVF treatment is carried out by the real professional which controls every action and effect of the process.
Preparatory stage before IVF procedure includes:
- Ovulation stimulation
- Puncture and fertilization
- Incubation and embryo transfer
- Luteal phase for HCG result maintenance
- Fetus heartbeat ultrasound confirmation
With the help of ADONIS ‘own embryo laboratory, we provide the total safety for your future baby. Double checking control, maintaining a special environment (temperature profile, humidity and all necessary indications). The incubation period of the embryo lasts for 3-5 days, after which the strongest one is transferred into the uterine cavity for further development.
Innovative services
ADONIS clinics are always advocates for the newest and innovative treatment. Fertility treatment IVF is not the exception. For all the patients we provide the PGD/PGS procedure (preimplantation genetic screening), the main aim of which is to detect embryo chromosomal abnormalities.
The innovative PGD/PGS procedure focuses on defining chromosome structural rearrangements and on reducing the risk of having a child with inherited disorders caused by monogenic/single gene disorders.
ADONIS always cares about the health and well-being of the patients and their babies. With the help of our technological basis and the newest equipment, we minimize the possible risks and ensure the best healthy future for your family.
ADONIS IVF procedures are of the worldwide quality level with the high pregnancy rate, affordable costs and all-round care. The greatest results and careful individual approach are waiting for you in ADONIS clinics.
Use the personal consultation and get more additional information to make the main decision – successful conceiving!