Get 360 degree with Vilitra 20

Get 360 degree with Vilitra 20

Vilitra 20 mg is a medication prescribed for people suffering with erectile dysfunctionality. It is no secret that sexual life of any couple does takes a toll with such problems. Erectile dysfunction which we also refer to as male impotence in common terminology is often found in mid aged and older ages of the male generations. 

But in today’s era impotence is not strictly attached to just the older generations but is also seen in the youth which is an even more worrisome thing. This is not an uncommon issue, rather almost 40% of the population aged 40 years or more suffer form the same issue. It accounts to approximately 70% in ages up to 70.

Reasons for erectile dysfunction

There are various reasons to be blamed for when it comes to impotence as an issue. But few to be named are as follows:

Endocrine disorders

The hormonal disbalances can affect the blood flow thus making erectile dysfunctionality to be a possibility in this situation.

Emotional responses

The performance anxiety can also trigger impotence. The fear of not being able to satisfy your partner because of anxiety or any kind of stress makes impotence sweep in faster.  

Hypertension is also one prime reason of erectile dysfunctionality.

Heart related issues

Heart diseases can really impact the person’s ability to perform sexually. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking etc can worsen the condition even more.

Living conditions or lifestyle adaptations

Exercise, yoga, meditation, healthy eating etc are few ways in which a person can lead ahead in betterment of their sexual life. These activities will boost your vigour and allow you have a more pleasureful experience.

Youth who have been indulging in activities such as drug, alcoholism and disturbed circadian rhythm etc have been found to have had a deeply impacted body and mind leading to dysfunctionalities.

Procedure to take Vilitra 20 mg

Vilitra is an oral medication. Must be taken as advised by the doctor or any medical professional. The tablet must be consumed 45 minutes or an hour prior to the sexual activity. Without any sexual arousal the medicine can be deemed ineffective. 

Storage instructions

It is preferable for the medicines shelf life to store it in a cooler and darker place. Keep it away from sunlight or any externalities such as moisture and other contaminants. The medicine can undergo chemical reactions if kept under non-favorable conditions.

The medicine must be kept away form children’s and pet’s reach. 

Carefully read the instructions on the medicine and check the expiry date. It should be well within best date for it to be consumed.

Medicines must be properly discarded to avoid further contamination of the area. 

Side effects

Some of the most commonly occurred side effects of the medicine are:


lightheaded feeling

bleeding from the nose


flushing of the skin

There might also be some rare side effects visible with patients of underlying conditions or in case of an overdosage:

pain in the chest

pain in the muscles or back

vision impairment (it might lead to some blurriness in the vision making it quite difficult to see things clearly)


breathing difficulty


Hearing loss 


It is always suggested that two or more medicines with the same salt and active ingredient must not be taken. You might suffer from an overdose or prominent side effects. It is always recommendable to consult your doctor regarding the already running medicines to get an overview of what you can or cannot consume while on medication. A list of certain salts or medicines that must be avoided during the medication alongside Vilitra 20 are: 

Erythromycin (a drug category of anti-biotic)

Primary alpha inhibitors

Anti-fungal medicines

Other medicines for erectile dysfunction

Anti-coagulants (medicines for blood thinning, prevent or reduce coagulation of blood, prolonging the clotting time)

Alcohol consumption must be strictly avoided. The medicine tends to not work well with alcoholic content inside your body as it interferes with the medicine’s working principle. It might also make you dizzy as it tampers with your blood pressure lowering the effect of the medication.

Patients with already prevailing allergies or medication must first inform the doctor before continuing with the medication.