The environment exerts a direct impact on the flora, fauna and the human beings existing amidst nature. Hence, any change in the climate of a place can have negative effects on the health of the people living in that region. The environment of a certain place comprises not only of the climatic conditions, but also the water, air, soil, and the creatures naturally living there. So any sudden change in these environmental factors may cause some effects in the human bodies, as the body system may find it difficult to adapt to these changes instantly.
Ill effects of global warming on human healthÂ
- The global warming means the rise in climatic temperature all over the world, which is going quite above the normal ranges in all seasons of the year. Thus, the people find it very tough to cope up with this increased atmospheric heat, mainly in summers of the equatorial and tropical regions. Even the temperate regions are now reportedly facing much hotter summers and monsoons, which is often unbearable for the children and the aged people.
- The increased heat in summer has resulted in the more rapid use of air-conditioners in maximum households and all the commercial buildings. This excessive use of air-conditioning machines and refrigerators is causing serious harm to the ozone layer of the atmosphere, due to the presence of CFC or Chlorofluorocarbon that deplete the ozone continuously. Hence, the people are severely affected by the UV rays of the direct sunlight, which was earlier blocked by the ozone layer. So the people working outdoor can suffer from skin diseases caused by these UV rays.
- The intolerable heat of the direct sunlight often inflicts the people of all ages with sunstroke, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. The workers and farmers stationed outdoors, the sales executives and the delivery boys are more prone to the sunstroke nowadays. These deaths from heatstroke are more common in urban areas, as the rural areas are cooler due to the presence of more trees. Also, the poorer people who cannot afford to install air-conditioners or air coolers are more badly affected by this increased heat.
Different diseases that can occur due to the environmental changes
- The warm and humid weather boost the growth of various harmful insects that act as vectors for spreading many diseases. Malaria and dengue are caused by the bites of mosquitoes, while the fleas are the causes of the serious diseases, like the plague. There are more vector-borne diseases from the insects and parasites, like flies, mites, and ticks that find favorable growth in this changed climate.
- The extra atmospheric warmth has given rise to more allergens in the air, like the pollen of flowers and dust that are extremely harmful to the asthma patients. Moreover, the excess allergens may induce asthma and allergy into the healthy people as well.
- The environmental changes cause the water pollution to a large extent, from the addition of sewage wastes to the river waters. This contamination of the drinking water causes various digestive problems, including the infections in the stomach and intestines.
- The changes in the environment cause severe disaster in the agricultural sector, resulting in the premature death of many crops. Thus, the poor people of the developing countries may suffer from several ailments that occur due to malnutrition, which they have to endure because of the loss of their edible crops.
- The people often suffer from cardiac problems due to the fatal combination of high temperature and presence of ozone in the air. The autonomic nervous system of the body is also affected due to these factors, which prevent the people in coping up with this changed atmosphere.
Health hazards caused due to the air pollution
The air pollution is a major effect of the environmental changes, as lots of greenhouse gases are now found in the natural air that causes many diseases. The increased amount of carbon dioxide causes shortness in breathing; while the presence of sulfur dioxide in the air causes bronchitis and eye irritations. However, some gases like carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide are highly toxic and can even cause death if inhaled in large amounts.
Hence, we should try to minimize the environmental changes, by stopping our malpractices that are paving the way to global warming and pollutions in the atmosphere.