In the cosmetic treatments industry, technology is rapidly changing. The Pico Laser is one of the few non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatments that better represent the bounds and leaps we’ve seen in recent years.
Our self-esteem can be shattered by acne scars, skin blemishes, premature aging, discoloration, unattractive tattoos, and other issues. We all want clear, bright, and young skin, regardless of how old we are. Pico laser technology might be the pigmentation removal treatment you’ve been waiting for if you share similar sentiments.
It’s non-invasive, secure, and quick. Not to mention the innumerable treatment success articles as well as see-it-to-believe-it before-and-afters, it’s backed up by real, scientific proof.
We’ll explain what Pico laser technology is, how it functions, and how it could change the way you treat your skin in this post.
What Is Pico Laser Technology?
Pico laser is a non-surgical, non-invasive pigmentation removal treatment that may be used to cure a wide range of skin conditions, such as sun damage spots and acne scars.
One of the most sophisticated laser treatments now accessible to the public is Pico technology. It is safe, involves no downtime, and may be applied throughout the entire face and body, delivering significant, long-lasting benefits in lesser sessions than similar solutions.
How Does Pico Laser Work?
Pico laser technology permits tattoos and pigmented lesions to be treated quickly, effectively, and in a highly selective manner (in treatable hues). The skin’s elastin generation is also increased by this laser, giving it a softer, fuller, and younger appearance.
The Pico laser works by providing very-short, non-heat-generating energy pulses to specific problem regions. The laser has a powerful effect on the skin, destroying the particles or pigment that are causing the condition. The body then naturally eliminates them.
Because the Pico laser is so accurate, it allows the cosmetic doctor to generate the best photomechanical results possible. The laser’s effect is mild on the skin’s superficial layer, despite the fact that its energy pulses are extremely focused. Pico treatments don’t cause any irritation to the skin, and most patients report feeling very small or no pain during their session.
What Can Pico Laser Be Used To Treat?
The Pico laser may be utilized to treat a wide range of skin problems and flaws. Discoloration, tattoo removal, and scarring are the most prevalent.
Pico Laser For Skin Discoloration
Birthmarks, melasma, UV damage, and other skin discolorations, while harmless, can be a source of anxiety for both men and women. It’s extremely difficult to get rid of discoloration using traditional treatments. It’s possible that Pico laser is the answer.
Pico lasers may be set to generate a variety of wavelengths and could be used to target and eradicate surface pigmentation using different applicators.
Moreover, Pico laser technology is powerful and effective, allowing for immediate results in only a single session. It’s also an excellent choice for people with sensitive skin because it’s non-irritating.
Pico Laser For Acne Scarring
Acne scarring could be very stubborn, usually lasting years and withstanding different effective treatment procedures.
Pico laser treatments for acne scarring work like this:
- The laser produces a thermal wound on a target region
- The damaged skin activates our natural healing process
- It stimulates collagen production, remodeling, and repairing our skin
Pico laser for tattoo removal
You can also use Pico laser treatments to eliminate undesirable tattoos from any part of your body. The technology’s high specification assists in increasing the speed wherein the device breaks the tattoo inks, indicating fewer treatments are needed to attain the desired outcome.
What are the benefits of Pico laser?
Comparing Pico lasers to another skin treatment? Below are the main benefits that distinguish Pico from others.
- Pico treatments are greatly targeted, meaning any chance of damage is minimized and contained. For that reason, Pico is particularly safe and could be used on any part of our body and face.
- Pico treatments require minimal downtime. Some might have swelling and redness, but that should diminish within some hours.
- Pico laser treatments would not cause too much pain. You might get a few slight, brief discomforts, but not to the degree of invasive or surgical treatments.
- Pico laser allows patients to attain their desired outcomes in fewer sessions compared to some technologies. Some get their desired result after a single session.
- Pico laser includes extremely few to no side effects. You do not need to be concerned regarding damaging the skin or having uncomfortable or unsightly skin conditions.